Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Future Relevance for this Blog (believe it or not!)

Ha-HA! Bet you didn't expect to see me back on here...

But I have news relevant to the title of this blog, so it's only fitting that I should post it here. I'm going back to Africa! In June 2010. I got a World Cup ticket! For one match only: Match 29, whoever will be playing, I'll be watching! Hooray!!

This raises all sorts of other questions. Should I go back to Tanzania? Sure! Namibia (a longtime travel destination)? Of course! Botswana sounds good. And how hard is it to get to Madagascar...?

I'll also have a Master's degree by then (knock on wood) and will, supposedly, be prepared to do endangered language fieldwork somewhere. Southern Africa? Why not!

This is a relief. I was worried that the next time I left the country, I'd have to figure out a new name for this blog. No longer a problem.


Jamie Lawler said...

back in action! Love it! I'd hate for you to have to change the title of this here blog. But if you changed it to Amanda in San Diego, I wouldn't complain.

Jbelle said...

Well thank goodness for Google Reader - can't wait to see the next entry on here! And if it happens to come before the World Cup actually starts, so much the better!

Kimplicated said...

Here's the plan. We tie my right leg to your left leg, both fit inside those pants that vlad wore to your made-in-the-80s party, and go as siamese twins. 1 ticket? No problem!

Pattie said...

Let me know if you do get a job in Africa. I have two masters as well and want to return to the area. It would be cool if we ended up near by! I am going to Guyana South America for nine months for now. Can't wait to hear all about your trip to the world cup.